Tuesday, August 19, 2008

On a roll!

WOW!!! I am on a roll two post. Can you believe it. I was looking at different blogs and came across Christy's blog BonBon Boutique and was inspired by all the different boast post that she has on her blog. After looking at a couples of the boast post I can to this Candy Buffet. Which lead me to this interesting blog. So many fun site to tour one day. Back to Candy Buffet. Enjoy surfing the Internet looking at all the site. Happy Tuesday!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the birth of your baby girl! I love her name!!

Kristie said...

I'm glad you liked Sophie's room! The picture was taken at 6 months and I'm not sure of the size. I think it may be 24x24. I don't remember the color of the walls, but it was a Porter Paints color. The pillow and drapes are Casa Fiora. I got the letters at My Favorite Things in Lex, KY. I actually attached the ribbon myself. I just stappled it on. The lamp and the rest of the furniture came from My Favorite Things and Drexel Heritage. I hope that helps!

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